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Are you struggling to start an Online Business & want a passive, low maintenance model, designed & ready to run for you?*

We'll give you the exact process & blueprint that we use to find & fulfil our clients for free.

You get the full Plug 'n Play resources for no cost so you can start signing clients within days.

Receive the exact frameworks that we use to obtain & deliver exceptional results to clients, all for free.

What do we do?
The model is simple.

A. You will run automated Facebook & Instagram ads for
Trade businesses such as Electricians, Landscapers, Construction & Plumbers, to help them find staff.

B. By doing this, you will help solve the major
staffing shortage that is plaguing all trade businesses globally,
which is a highly profitable industry to be part of. 

We guarantee that you'll receive a fully operational Recruitment Marketing business that can generate up to $20,000 per week in revenue.


Because we'll  give you everything we use to obtain & deliver to our clients.
You get to copy all the exact procedures & resources needed to start your online business FOR FREE.

- Full Sales Script we use to close our clients.

- Official Onboarding document for new clients. 

- Written Contract agreement.

- All ads used for the clients social media accounts.

- Exact email guide for communicating with clients throughout the partnership.

You're wondering why we offer this for free?

We have a paid offer that includes the full setup, And management.


If you take up the free offer, we totally understand and promise there is no obligation to join our paid program.
We believe that simply having all the framework & procedures in place is enough put you in the position of making revenue within 24 hours.

How do you know our service is legit?
This is our official business website for clients, so have a look around the other pages while you're here!

Alexa Young, CA

Jump on a quick call to claim the Free Offer and have your business ready to start immediately.

Consultants typically charge over $1000 for this, but you get it for free.

You'll receive everything needed to start signing clients and generating revenue right away.

Laptop Infographic

Send us some info and we'll get you started!

This system is guaranteed to work, as long as you're a proper fit who is willing to do what it takes to succeed.

We only accept those who we can guarantee results for, so we appreciate your understanding if you are unsuccessful.

Book in the best time below to meet with us on Zoom so we can get everything ready for you.


We will provide everything needed for you to start and get your business up and running fast.


Thanks for submitting!

We'll contact you within 24 hours via email or phone.

Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.

What to expect;

You will speak directly with Ed, our Managing Director to receive exactly what you need to get your business up and running.

This is a no pressure, no obligation call that you'll receive the essential resources to get started.

All you have to do is fill out the form and select a time to chat, and on the call you will get:

- Sales script

- Complete operating procedures

- Pre made ads

- Onboarding sheet

- Client contract

And anything else you need to begin.

We look forward to speaking with you!

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